Speech Therapy
Speech therapists (also known as speech-language pathologists) evaluate, diagnose and treat patients with a wide variety of conditions that affect oral motor skills, swallowing, and speech and language abilities. Speech therapists at Laredo Medical Center work closely with neurologists, ENT (ear, nose and throat) doctors and other specialists to thoroughly evaluate patients and treat a variety of conditions, including:
- Dysarthria and apraxia which impacts how well someone is understood
- Fluency disorders like stuttering or cluttering
- Language impairment which may impact one’s ability to correctly interpret what is being said and/or one’s ability to adequately express ideas, thoughts and emotions using words
- Pragmatic language disorders which impacts one’s ability to say the appropriate things during a conversation, or hinders one’s ability to interpret the meaning of social speech.
- Swallowing disorders which impacts one’s ability to swallow liquids and food by mouth safely and efficiently
- Voice disorders like vocal nodules and chronic hoarseness
- Physical and neurological disabilities such as head injury and stroke can affect one's ability to swallow, communicate, move and interact with those in one’s daily life.
The licensed speech-language pathologists at Laredo Medical Center's outpatient rehabilitation services offers outpatient speech therapy for those who have difficulty with:
- Swallowing/eating
- Choking/gagging
- Stuttering
- Speaking
- Voice
- Understanding
- Listening
- Problem solving
- Memory
- Focused attention
For more information, please contact: (956) 796-3454